
美联储主席Ben Bernanke做问答题:黄金不是钱


联储局主席贝南奇7月13日出席国会金融服务听证会遭共和党议员 Ron Paul 质询黄金问题。

MR. PAUL: But very quickly, if you could answer another question, because I'm curious about this — you know, the price of gold today is $1,580 [U.S.]. The dollar during these last three years was devalued almost 50 per cent. When you wake up in the morning, do you care about the price of gold?
Paul:贝南奇先生, 金价今日升到1,580 美元,而过去3 年美元已贬值了差不多50%,我怀疑你每朝起床有没有关心过金价?

MR. BERNANKE: Well, I pay attention to the price of gold, but I think it reflects a lot of things. It reflects global uncertainties. I think people are — the reason people hold gold is as a protection against what we call tail risk, really, really bad outcomes. And to the extent that the last few years have made people more worried about potential of a major crisis, then they have gold as a protection.
贝南奇:有,我有留心金价,但金价系反映一大堆东西,啲人过去几年买金是为了预防所谓尾部风险(tail risk),即是潜在主要危机出现,近年环球动荡吓怕人。

MR. PAUL: Do you think gold is money?


MR. BERNANKE: No. It's not money, it's a precious metal…

MR. PAUL: Even if it has been money for 6,000 years, somebody reversed that and eliminated that economic law?
Paul:即使黄金当钱用已有6000 年历史?有人要推翻这经济法则?

MR. BERNANKE: Well, it's — you know, it's an asset. I mean, it's the same — would you say Treasury bills are money? I don't think they're money either, but they're a financial asset.

MR. PAUL: Well, why do — why do — why do central banks hold it if it's not...

MR. BERNANKE: Well, it's a form of reserves. It's a form...

MR. PAUL: Why don't they hold diamonds?

MR. BERNANKE: Well, it's tradition, long-term tradition.

MR. PAUL: (Chuckles.) Well, some people still think it's money. I yield back. My time is up.

以上中文译文及下面评论均出自 2011-07-19  信报财经新闻   黄金不是钱?
据统计,截至2009 年历来合共开采了16 万吨黄金,而美国目前国债约14 万亿美元,相当于全球黄金总值的1.8 倍。
贝南奇与他的前任格林斯平有关黄金价值的观点可算南辕北辙,格林斯平1999 年5 月20 日在国会听证会表示,法定货币在极端情况下有机会完全失去价值变得没有人要(例如1923 年的德国马克),但黄金则永远为人接受。另外,格林斯平认为国库票据是政府负债,而黄金则是资产。

